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Sanctuary Nave


If I could pick one word to describe our Nave/Sanctuary, it would be majestic. By definition, that means impressive or dignified.  It is that, but so much more.  Large, yes; imposing, definitely no.

It is impossible to enter without reading the words “Be Ye Doers of the Word and Not Hearers Only” from the gospel of John.  The verse suggests that by hearing and not doing, we deceive ourselves.

St. James’s is a body of Doers.  We reach the corners of our community and our world, imparting the Word and doing good deeds for others.  We look for ways to be Doers.

Not even the recent temporary scaffolding to repair some plaster takes away the wonder of our Nave.  It is where we gather to celebrate our faith, talk to God and our neighbors.

How would you describe it?

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